About Us

On behalf of Miracle Centre Cathedral ,I, Robert Kayanja Senior Pastor welcome you to this site.Miracle Centre Cathedral (MCC)-Kampala is a dream come true. God's grace and mercy coupled with the faith of believers,this fruit-the Lord's Temple  has been realised.To the Father,Son and Holy Spirit we owe all the praise, glory and honour.Lots of personal sacrifices from me and my family,our church members and friends of the Ministry from around the world had to be made .As a result, the faithfulness of His people by the instruction and guidance of the Holy Spirit,we have seen the hand of God move,and now the present day Miracle Centre Cathedral.
This journey started from an acquired city house yard where we put up  makeshift structures, to one abandoned house in a nearby city surburb  with no windows or doors. Finally a couple of years down the road we came across a local resident selling off his nearby piece of land, which is now the home of Miracle Centre Cathedral.There is nothing too hard for God to do.For He has moved us from a time when we did have no chairs, no money,no nothing but just faith. And because of the proffessed love of Jesus Christ that the saints possessed and still do,great things have happened.We who started with just one convert in a makeshift papyrus church,now  worship and praise God in a ten thousand five hundred seater sanctuary,all debt free.

This is what God will do to those that do hunger and thirst for Him, He will always fill them; Matthew 5:6. Along the years God has been so good,many mighty servants of God have blessed our land.Life changing and devil crashing miracles have taken place. The church on the whole is experiencing an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. New and fresh anointing is flowing our way.Words are not enough to express in possible terms how much God has and is still doing, but it sure is good.

As a church, yet too, as individuals, we owe all this to God.We are so very greatful.Thanks to our partners,families and friends who have been a force to reckon with.We do thank God too for the President and the government  of Uganda that has always welcomed with arms wide open and allowed the smooth running Christian affairs in the Nation.Enjoy,be abundantly blessed and keep visiting this site,for it is ideally yours.
One of my greatest miracles in ministry life  is my children and especially one of my twin daughters Christiana, but it is miracles everywhere.

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