Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Luke 7:11
Wherever Jesus goes, miracles happen. Life is changed, and hope is received.
In the days of the scripture, a woman’s husband was her everything. They didn’t have so such to call rights. Their husbands were everything to them. So when a husband would pass away, it spelled devastation for the widow.  A son was second to a husband to a woman. If she got married, the next best need would be a son. If she failed to get bone, then she would have to settle for a co-wife.
Now this lady in the scripture was faced with double tragedy. She had lost her husband, and the only hope she had left, her son, was also dead.  She didn’t have much say in society anymore, because her son, her defender, her provider, her everything was gone.
So while there was a funeral procession, Jesus came along with a praise procession. So, two processions met, one of praise, the other of sorrow. Jesus, the reason of the praise procession met the coffin, the reason for the mourning procession and declared to the mourners, “No more crying!”
Today, Jesus is meeting with you in whatever situation it is that you’re in and is declaring to you, “No more crying! No more suffering! No more disease! No more tears!

Beloved there will always be tests and trials or times of trouble either consequentially because of things we have done or just the enemy attacking you.
The Psalmist is a very good book that reveals the life of a warring soldier. But through it all God arises and the enemies scatter. From Pastor Robert’s personal perspective on the attacks of the enemy and through times requiring and needing a higher power’s intervention, listen to this audio message even as it trickles deep down your entire system. God declares in His Word“…there is nothing too hard for Him…”    
In here you find the only weapons with reward (of promises). He also says He’s the one who teaches our hands to war.
ABUNDANT LIFE (An instruction on how to live adapted from the living Word of God)
Many people know how to die not how to live. John 10:10 points out a life predestined for a particular people identified in John 10 as “they”-His chosen people.
God using the first person singular according to the Hebrew text was literally referring to His name that describes His attribute-abundance. What kind of life is God talking about when He refers to abundant life? 

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